Digital marketing in the agile era

Digital marketing in the agile era

We've all heard Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's now-famous motto: "Move fast and break things." It was (and still is) a paradigm-changing agile model for market disruption. It has informed how an entire generation views the world. Yet, the marketing industry is still stuck in an era where neither agency nor client's attitudes reflect the core values of agile marketing… however, this is all about to change.

The way we were

For nearly 5 decades, advertising and marketing used a top-down model. Marketing strategies were developed at the top of agencies and companies, with campaigns rolled out over at least a 12-month timeline. It took a long time to build content and even longer to publish. It was also an era when brands pushed out messaging and waited many months to review sales figures to see if campaigns worked. 

Our new reality

That era of waiting until the end of a quarter or even year to see results is long gone. Now we can send an email or text message, or post on a social channel and see almost instantly if it's worked. Why then are companies using this slow, tired old marketing model?  Why aren't they embracing the agile model to publish more and better campaigns faster, then learn, refine, and adapt? Why are they not drilling down into their databases' revealing opportunities to align content with customer behavior? Why are they so risk-averse, missing opportunities to experiment and create stellar results?  Is it because, until now, there has been no adequate and efficient way to create low cost, low risk, high engagement agile campaigns at speed?

The agile era of marketing requires agile systems

Very few brands keep up with the minimum requirements of social channel management. Most brands poorly target customers and clients for email and text messaging. Almost all brands fall short on frequency and quality of content for multi-channel campaigns when it's never been more critical to embrace the agile marketing model. Why? Is it a lack of resources? Is it for want of a platform that makes it practical to push out professional campaigns faster and better? Is it a lack of easy to understand feedback mechanisms, that allow brands and companies to learn and adapt more quickly? Just as the iPhone changed the way we connect, XL.Today™ offers the promise of a real change to the way marketers' grow their brands and businesses.

A truly agile marketing solution

XL.Today™ is the first generation of truly agile marketing solutions. It was designed from the ground up with the aim of democratizing marketing by empowering everyone in the marketing cycle. XL.Today™ designed a solution that allows even those who may not have marketing backgrounds the chance to create professional, personalized, channel-optimized campaigns in just a few minutes. For professional Marketers, XL.Today™ liberates you and your team from the mundane and repetitive, allowing you more time and opportunities to try new and innovative ways to connect and convert your target audience. 

Embracing the agile model

If you could create 10 times as many campaigns as you do today, what could that do to your bottom line? What if you improved your targeting with micro-segmentation? What if you created segments and more campaigns specifically targeted to their previous purchasing or engagement behavior? What if you could launch a campaign in just a few minutes and receive feedback just as fast? Are you missing the chance to energize and engage with those most valued by your business, simply because you lack the time, resources, and knowhow to communicate the agile way?  XL.Today™ provides you with an opportunity to supercharge your marketing through greater speed, accuracy, and adaptability. The XL.Today™ approach to agile marketing offers the promise of much greater returns, more cost effectively and with less resources. Isn't that a marketing model you could embrace?